金融援助 » 奖学金


达米安高中 offers scholarships to incoming and current students. Many of these privately funded scholarships honor the legacy of significant Damien community members. 每个指定奖学金的申请流程各不相同. 一个委员会协调奖学金的选择过程. 在某些情况下, the donor is directly involved or has established a board to assist with the selection process. 有些奖学金只接受教员提名.
Most of the freshmen scholarships are based on the financial need of the family. Thus, to qualify, a family will need to complete the on-line FACTS Grant & 帮助应用程序. FACTS将根据您输入的数字评估您的财务需求. 如果事实确定家庭没有经济需求, 但那个家庭觉得他们需要帮助, 他们可以上诉. 在上诉过程中, 学费援助委员会将审查申请,并根据该家庭的个人情况做出最终决定.
在一个家庭被指定为学费援助(斯巴达助学金)之后, 奖学金委员会将审查获得学费援助的家庭,以确定是否应该补充斯巴达助学金, 由特定的奖学金取代或加强的.
下面的奖学金描述简要概述了该奖学金的捐助者所要求的条款和条件. These brief descriptions may not include complete selection criteria and are subject to change. 我们建议学生在申请由达米安高中及其慷慨的捐助者提供的奖学金时要仔细考虑.
安东尼·米. SCHIRO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (junior only; faculty/staff nominated)
该奖学金每年颁发给最能体现安东尼·M·安东尼的特点的大三学生. 斯基罗是一个受人尊敬,受人尊敬,深受爱戴的人. The recipient of this year’s award has demonstrated a high degree of loyalty to family, 学校, 教堂, 全能的上帝. 这个年轻人是一个利用一切机会在智力和运动领域发展上帝赋予他的能力的人, and who has shown that he is likely to use his talents in the service of others.
学生必须有经济需求. 重点放在获得CEF的学生身上, 就读于波莫纳天主教中学或住在波莫纳. 无需申请.
该奖学金每年颁发给那些在学术上表现出天赋和/或熟练程度,但经济需求无法满足自己的学生. 这项奖学金提供给最能体现真正斯巴达人的学术和道德特征的大三和大四学生. 在理想的情况下, 候选人表现出对家庭和学校的忠诚, 同时对外部社区有很高的认识. He is extremely motivated and detail-oriented yet not afraid to request help or assistance when needed. 这个年轻人是一个利用每一个机会,每天都在成为一个更好、更强的人类公民的人. 这个年轻人对他周围的人来说真的是一个鼓舞,他将为那些渴望获得BraveMove的人树立更高的标准.将来获得奖学金.
BRIAN CHRISTOPHER SMITH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (incoming freshmen and current students; faculty/staff nominated)
布莱恩·克里斯托弗·史密斯1992年毕业于达米安高中. While here, he was an active member of the community, an athlete, and a scholar. He was a dedicated friend, always willing to lend a helping hand or a word of encouragement. The love of life he possessed encouraged his classmates to live each day to the fullest. This award is given to an individual who best exemplifies the spirit of Brian’s zest for life, 以及一个与上帝亲密关系的典范.
CAMERON MITCHELL '15 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (junior only; faculty/staff nominated)
This annual scholarship is to a rising junior, in loving memory of 卡梅隆 Sevan Mitchell. 给那些可能不知道的人, 卡梅隆, 达米安大学的学生, 患了脑瘤, 经过长时间的战斗, 不幸的是,他在6月1日去世了, 2013年,离他16岁生日还有7天. 他被同龄人称为“动物学家”, 为了生活和创造美好的生活体验, 任何冒险和有趣的事情! 卡梅伦是一个喜欢学习的学者, a musician who played various instruments and loved music; he was a foodie who savored and cooked; he was a traveler across the states and all the way to China. 这个奖学金是给一个斯巴达人,他最能体现卡梅伦在他年轻的生活中表现出来的品质:对学习的热爱, 面对生活中的逆境, 磨练了同事和老师对他的尊重, 将“超我服务”拟人化, 真正的斯巴达人的典范, 学识与信仰.
CHUCK BALLINGALL FUTURE DEBATER SCHOLARSHIP (incoming freshman only; application required)
Established by Scott Hilinkski (’86) in honor of one of his favorite teachers, 查克Ballingall, 是给对辩论感兴趣的新生的吗. At the beginning of the freshmen semester, qualified applicants receive notification. 该奖学金的要求是:(1)高中分班考试成绩至少达到90分;(2)八年级成绩优异;(3)参加荣誉辩论, 并将留在9年级(4)推荐a. 八年级辩论教练(如适用),或b. 英语或社会科学教师, 重点是阅读和解释文本的能力, and participate effectively in class discussions/debates and (5) Personal essay from student.
ERNANI罗伯特 & ANN SILVA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (junior only; faculty/staff nominated)
该奖项颁发给需要经济援助的大三学生. 学生应该全面发展, 实现高, 一个领导者, 有效的沟通技巧, 参加AP课程, 达米安的社区服务和社区服务, 进入顶尖学院/大学的目标.
乔治H. MAYR基金会(新生和在校生)
Student must be a resident of the State of California; be deserving and in need of financial aid; have completed the equivalent of eighth grade. 无需申请.
GEORGE RYAN BOYLE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
该奖学金每年颁发给最能体现乔治·瑞安·博伊尔对生活和达米安高中热爱的学生. 这位大四学生表现出了出色的运动能力, shown strong leadership qualities and has helped create a competitive team spirit, 同时关心队友,提倡团队牺牲. Furthermore, he has conducted himself as an exemplary member of the 达米安高中 community.
J.P. AUGUSTYN MEMORIAL AWARD (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
This award is presented to two graduating seniors who have demonstrated outstanding academic, 还有运动表现, throughout their four years of high 学校 and are especially gifted in math and science.
JAMES DINEEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (junior, senior eligible; faculty/staff nominated)
KIWANIS OF GLENDORA SCHOLARSHIP (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
一定是格伦多拉或者达米安·基瓦尼斯俱乐部的居民吧. Expectations: financial need, academic accomplishments, service to 学校/community. 重视对学校/社区的服务.
这项奖学金是为了纪念Michael Don Schneberger而设立的, 并奖励那些代表迈克尔生活方式的优秀学生. 获得这项年度奖学金的候选人是一名即将在达米安高中完成三年级的学生. 在达米恩的三年里, 他在学术上很优秀, in his extra-curricular involvement and is well-liked by faculty and peers.
老迈克尔·塔鲁·埃利斯. 纪念奖学金(新生和在校生)
该奖学金将为在寄养系统中度过一段时间的学生或父母在寄养系统中度过一段时间的学生提供学费援助或学术必需品. 为了获得这项奖学金, foster care will be defined as the temporary service provided by the State for children under the age of 18, 谁不能和他们的直系亲属住在一起. 被寄养的孩子可以和亲戚住在一起, 无血缘关系的养父母, 组织家庭, 住宿照顾设施, 紧急避难所, 或者有监督的独立生活. 所有奖项都是基于需求的,将由达米安高中的学费援助委员会根据本协议的积极捐助者的意见决定.
南希的. LYNCH ENDOWED MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (incoming freshmen and current students)
为了纪念南希·林奇而命名, 詹姆斯·林奇的母亲,85年, 84年的布莱恩·林奇和81年的迈克尔·林奇, 捐赠奖学金将为那些可能没有机会进入达米安高中的优秀学生提供经济援助. 奖学金的获得者将体现出她所展现的价值观. 林奇终其一生——勇气, 礼貌, 教育, 并尽可能帮助有需要的人. 奖学金委员会每年将从达米安学费援助计划的申请人中选择获奖者. 无需申请.
给予学生(s)谁选择参加课外活动,在达米安高中的运动经验. This could mean an athlete, cheerleader, band member, leader in the Pit (student section), etc. They must be currently a sophomore, junior, or senior at 达米安高中, Pomona Catholic, or St. 露西的,坚定信仰,忠于三校体系.
RICHARD MILLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (incoming freshmen and current students; faculty/staff nominated)
The Richard Miller Memorial 奖学金 is given in memory of former Damien faculty member Rich Miller, 当了达米恩多年的世界历史老师, 也是越野赛和田径队的总教练. 该奖项颁发给田径队或越野队的成员,他们在田径和课堂上都充分发挥了自己的能力.
罗伯特·L. & JACK CLAUER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (junior, senior eligible; faculty/staff nominated)
这一奖学金是为了纪念罗伯特·L. 克劳尔和杰克. 克劳尔,前书记官夫人的丈夫和孙子. 乔Clauer. This award is presented to a Damien Spartan who demonstrates a strong work ethic, 在学术领域有突出贡献, 课外活动, 基督教领袖或澳门博彩在线, while conducting himself in a spirit of friendship to others and loyalty to 达米安高中.
THE ROBERT SOUZA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (incoming freshmen and current students; faculty/staff nominated)
罗伯特·A. 苏扎纪念奖学金是为了纪念鲍勃·苏扎, 他曾是一名职业运动员和狂热的体育迷,是八名天主教和教区学校运动员的父亲和祖父. Bob appreciated the value of good sportsmanship and core values provided by a Catholic School 教育. 该奖学金的资金将用于支持有经济需要的学生,以帮助支付就读达米安高中的相关费用, 其中可能包括学费, 体育费和/或学生活动费. 奖学金委员会每年将从达米安学费援助计划的申请人中选择获奖者.
RON FEDERICO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (juniors only; faculty/staff nominated)
The Ron Federico Memorial 奖学金 is in memory of long-time Damien coach, Ron Federico. 每个项目的现任总教练选出被提名者. 参加决赛的, 不断上升的初中, are evaluated based on who best exemplifies those qualities that Ron reinforced in all of his players. 学生运动员应该是努力学习的榜样, 激励着他的队友, 并且对学校和球队非常忠诚.
SCHOOLS FIRST "WORTHY STUDENT" AWARD (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
Schools First "Worthy Student" Award (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
神圣的心.CC. SCHOLARSHIP (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
神圣之心.CC. 奖学金
THE SPARTAN MERIT AWARD (sophomore, junior, senior eligible; faculty/staff nominated)
代表布鲁托考的达米安家族并由其资助, Cerni, Filpi, 哈德利, 林德利和皮龙, 该奖项旨在帮助优秀的达米安学生,他们展示了在课堂上教授的天主教价值观,并日复一日地加强实践, 支持, 鼓励环境. 这个奖项的获得者是一个著名的年轻人,他的生活通过展示强烈的职业道德,体现了一个真正的达米安·斯巴达人的品质, 良好品格, 关心他人, 并在学术上取得了优异的成绩. In his own way, he has made a significant contribution that has enriched the Damien community.
ST. DAMIEN SCHOLARSHIP (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
这项奖学金颁发给对天主教传统的基督教慈善事业表现出深刻承诺的高年级学生, 为达米安高中做出了重大贡献, 当地社区, 和/或其他有需要的社区, 并通过服务证明了圣达米恩的价值观.
TOM CARROLL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (sophomore, junior eligible; faculty/staff nominated)
通过他鼓舞人心的领导和他的榜样, Coach Tom Carroll profoundly affected the lives of countless young men through a legacy of sportsmanship. 汤姆·卡罗尔奖学金确保与卡罗尔教练一起乘坐各种高尔夫球车时学到的人生经验和故事在达米安高中继续存在. 汤姆·卡罗尔奖学金反映了卡罗尔教练对教育价值的高度重视,以及像达米安这样的学校为年轻人提供的机会. 奖学金 are awarded to a sophomore or junior who exhibits outstanding 学校 spirit, 并表现出帮助他人的愿望.
华莱士 & LUCILLE PEARSALL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
This 奖学金 is presented on behalf of the Pearsall family in memory of Wallace and Lucille Pearsall, 前达米安校长的父母, Mr. 山姆Pearsall. 该奖项每年颁发给在高中四年中数学表现优异的高年级学生.